Corrections Case Management dimarkwd June 17, 2022

Corrections Case Management

Make Inmate Management as Fast and as Easy as Possible

Integrate all aspects of a correctional facility into a single, fully integrated interface.
Track Inmate Booking and Release in a Single Screen
Improve Inter-Agency Communication
Ensure the Safety of Inmates and Staff
Save Resources Using Virtual Hearings

Modern Technology for an Enhanced Public Safety

Synergy’s Corrections Case Management allows all prisons to track case histories, sentencing, and other relevant information pertaining to their inmates. Because the database is integrated with all other modules, correctional services can receive information directly from a court upon the decision of detention or imprisonment with all the information previously recorded by law enforcement, the prosecution authority, or the court itself.

  • Protection of inmate personal information and files from misplacement, theft, wear and tear.
  • Automatic release and sentence calculation which eliminate human error and interference.
  • Accountability and transparency through history and audit trail.
  • Ability to appeal on behalf of inmates online.
  • Availability of information about inmate cases through SMS, email, and system notifications.
  • E-calendar options help inmates keep track of court schedules and appear in court.
  • Virtual hearings eliminate the need to transport inmates to court and back.
  • Informed decision-making based on real-time reports.

Key Tools for Corrections Case Management

Detention management
Court-related activities and e-calendar
Visit and appointment tracking
Medical assessment
Automatic release generation
Sessions and proceedings
Seized items register
Discipline and parole management
Community service management
Search and seizure management
Arrest and release management
Pleading management