Water & Sanitation Dimark June 15, 2022

Water & Sanitation

Access To Safe Water, Adequate Sanitation And Proper Hygiene Information

The paramount importance of access to safe drinking water and sanitation services for all people as a fundamental human need and a basic human right has been recognized by country governments, international organizations, and development agencies. A number of factors directly influence the countries’ success in achieving the internationally agreed-upon targets for sanitation and hygiene such as substantial economic resources, solid institutional frameworks, clear and feasible policies and strategies, as well as sustainable technological solutions.

There is a growing recognition that effective management of a country’s water and sanitation sector (WSS) requires the use of information technology. In particular, a comprehensive management information system can furnish up-to-date data and analytics on WSS activities throughout the country, track the progress of key indicators and monitor performance towards sector goals and simplify coordination and information sharing.

Monitor & Measure The Effectiveness Wash Interventions

Synergy has extensive experience in building water and sanitation sector platforms that enable country governments to:

  • Obtain, centralize and organize reliable information on the condition of water and sanitation facilities
  • Perform analyses by integrating the acquired data with demographic and geospatial data
  • Ensure disaggregated monitoring and evaluation of sector performance

Taking into account the need for field-based data collection in remote areas with little or no Internet access, Synergy’s technology enables mobile-to-web data capture that includes remote data entry, capture of GPS coordination and geocoding, and syncing capabilities with the central system.