Social Protection Dimark June 15, 2022

Social Protection

Strengthening the Delivery, Accountability, and Effectiveness of Social Protection Programs

Social protection policies and social safety net programs are essential for any society seeking to reduce poverty and the vulnerability of its citizens by providing insurance, social benefits or social assistance transfers to ameliorate socioeconomic challenges like unemployment, illness, disability and old age.

However, large-scale social protection programs can be fraught with implementation issues, delays, and subject to abuse or fraud. Such challenges are exacerbated when the government institutions or NGOs responsible for delivering social services lack reliable and complete information to manage their programs efficiently. Studies by the World Bank and other sources have shown that implementing a cohesive social protection information system is an essential success factor for social protection systems.

Manage the Full Cycle of Social Protection Programs

Synergy’s Social Protection Information Solution (Synergy Auxilium)  provides social benefit administrators with a single, user-friendly system to manage the full cycle of social protection programs. SPIS includes an online portal for automated beneficiary applications, targeting and eligibility scoring, transfer payment tracking and results reporting.

These tools enable managers to more easily coordinate safety net programs, identify and scale-up successful projects, effectively deliver conditional cash transfers and provide information to the public about the effectiveness of those programs.

Social services should be targeted for those who need them most – that’s what Synergy Auxilium delivers.