Public Finance Dimark June 15, 2022

Public Finance

Digitalize and integrate public financial management functions and processes

Efficient and responsible public financial management (PFM) is essential to a country’s macroeconomic growth and stability. For public authorities responsible for budgeting and allocating public expenditure and income, IT systems can be a critical tool. Information systems enable efficient gathering and organization of large quantities of budget data, and automation of key budget processes.

However, such systems are often complicated to use, expensive to implement, and difficult to change and integrate with other databases. Many government agencies operate multiple obsolete systems that contain similar data and do not readily share data with one another.

Efficient Gathering And Organization Of Large Quantities Of Financial Data

Synergy’s Budgeting  solution provides a flexible, web-based and user friendly solution for initial planning, review, approval, and execution of the national budget. Our Public Investment Management Solution  takes integrated public financial management a step further, bringing together the domestic capital budget with data on donor assistance through a seamless interface. PIMS enables the Ministry of Finance to develop and execute the budget with a whole of government approach.

Our solutions also provide advanced budget analysis and data visualization capabilities, helping authorities to evaluate and report on budget trends and priorities to the public for transparency and accountability purposes. From budget planning to execution to reporting and analysis, Synergy’s public finance solutions are there to help.