Environment Dimark June 15, 2022


Improve Planning, Assessment, Compliance Monitoring, and Impact Assessment of Environmental Projects

Global climate change, deforestation, wasteful energy policies, overuse of resources are just some of the critical environmental challenges facing our planet today.  Governments and development organizations recognize the urgency of tackling these challenges in order for people and communities to live sustainably.

Environmental planning and management is becoming increasingly data-driven and tech-savvy.  A key aspect of this trend is the growing use of online software technology to perform such varied functions as tracking the chain of custody of forest products or measuring the outcomes and effectiveness of environmental projects.

Derive Data-Driven Insights To Improve Environmental Projects

Synergy’s technology is currently being used for such purposes. Notably, we have developed the Peruvian government’s forestry monitoring system, which is part of the country’s fight against illegal production and export of forest products, especially timber.

Moreover, our Synergy Indicata Monitoring & Evaluation Solution  can help environmental agencies derive data-driven insights so as to improve environmental projects and thus achieve better impact towards sustainability.

Synergy Indicata can:

  • Simplify the collection and management of environmental data.
  • Monitor in real time the progress and outcomes of environmental initiatives.
  • Generate data analytics and operational reports in user-friendly online interface.
  • Enable non-IT users to leverage complex, multi-layered to improve learning and decision making.